Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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The Hilarity of Ageing

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"Ah, the golden years! Where mornings start with a game of "Name That Ache" and the prize is making it to the bathroom without tripping over a pet or rogue slipper. Remember bouncing out of bed? Now it’s more of a careful dismount, accompanied by sound effects that rival a creaky old ship.

Let’s talk vision. Reading a menu without glasses? Impossible. Those elusive spectacles hide in the most bizarre places, turning each search into a scavenger hunt. When found, the print is still too small, leading to creative interpretations of the specials.

Conversation skills take on a new flair too. Mishearing becomes an art form. “Can you pass the salt?” is often heard as “Did you feed the cat?” leading to many a bemused look from family members. And names? Forget it. Everyone is “darling” or “sweetie” now, because who can keep track?

Memory has its own sense of humour. You might forget why you entered the room, but you can still recount in vivid detail the outfit you wore to your cousin’s wedding in 1975. It’s like living in a time warp where the present is foggy, but the past is in HD.

Then there’s technology. Just as you finally master texting, the phone updates itself into an alien interface. But if you survived the switch from rotary phones to smartphones, you can handle anything.

So here’s to the hilarity of ageing. Every wrinkle and grey hair tells a story, often a funny one. Cheers to growing older with laughter as our best companion!

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