Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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Born Free

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This morning started with rain, but the promise of a warm day was already in the air. I slid the window open to let in some fresh air, the smell of damp earth and leaves creeping into the room. As usual, Bruce the kangaroo was there, sheltering under the eaves. He does that often, not that the rain really bothers him. I suppose it’s more habit than necessity – a creature of routine.

Bruce, my dear friend and confidant, seemed happy to see me. There’s something comforting in his presence, even though we’re such different creatures. I often wonder what’s going through his mind when he looks at me with those steady eyes, but today, I had the feeling he just needed someone to talk to. Sometimes, even the strongest of us need a moment with someone older, someone who sees the world from a different perspective.

We don’t always agree, Bruce and I, but that’s part of what makes our friendship work. He’s more carefree, wandering through life without too much worry, while I tend to overthink things, caught up in details and concerns that he’d never give a second thought. But despite our differences, there’s a shared understanding between us – a respect for the way we each approach the world.

We stood there for a while, me by the window, Bruce just outside, watching the rain taper off. We didn’t need to say much; it’s that kind of friendship where silence is just as comfortable as conversation. He scratched the side of his face absent-mindedly, as if deep in thought, while I sipped my tea, content in the quiet company.

Sometimes, it’s enough just to be there for each other, even if we don’t have much to say. It’s those small moments that remind me how special our friendship is.

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