Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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Bruce the Brawling Kangaroo

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This morning, the serenity of dawn was shattered by none other than Bruce, the most stubborn and, frankly, overconfident kangaroo I've ever had the displeasure of meeting. Picture this: the sun hadn’t even fully woken up, but Bruce was already up and about, flexing his muscles and preparing for what he no doubt considered his crowning moment—another attempt to establish himself as the top bloke of the mob. Now, if you’ve never seen two kangaroos square off, let me tell you, it’s both a spectacle and a comedy of errors. There’s Bruce, standing tall on his haunches, puffing out his chest like a pumped-up athlete. His opponent, a fellow contender for the title, is just as determined, but perhaps a bit more reasonable, knowing that this whole charade is as much about drama as it is about dominance. The fight begins with a flurry of fists and a few cautious jabs, as if they’re boxers in a ring, each trying to suss out the other’s weaknesses. But let’s not forget, this isn’t just any boxing match—no, Bruce throws in a few kicks for good measure, launching himself into the air with the grace of a ballerina, if that ballerina were on a steady diet of protein shakes and ego. In the end, the battle didn’t quite go Bruce’s way. After a particularly enthusiastic leap, he ended up flat on his back, looking more surprised than anything. The mob, ever the audience, seemed unimpressed. Bruce, of course, got up, shook off the dust, and strutted away as if it were all part of his plan. Maybe tomorrow, Bruce. Maybe tomorrow.
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