Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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Bruce the Kangaroo

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Well, I’ve finally solved the mystery of Bruce the kangaroo’s whereabouts, and it’s quite the tale. You see, Bruce has been on a rather… intimate adventure. Yes, that’s right, the old boy’s been procreating. And I must say, it looks like he’s outdone himself this time. No wonder he’s been MIA; the poor chap’s probably collapsed in a heap somewhere in the forest, utterly knackered.

I can just picture him now, tucked away under a shady gum tree, trying to recover his strength. It’s a tough life, isn’t it? One minute you’re bounding about, living the bachelor life, and the next, you’re responsible for an entire brood. Bruce clearly didn’t see this coming.

Meanwhile, Mrs Bruce—who I’ve decided to name Doreen because it suits her no-nonsense personality—is out there parading their new offspring, Little Bruce, for all to see. Doreen is absolutely glowing with pride, hopping around as if to say, “Look what we’ve done! Isn’t he just the spitting image of his father?” And, truth be told, she’s not wrong. Little Bruce—who, by the way, is yet to be christened, but that’s a detail for another day—is the absolute double of his old man. It’s uncanny. The same long ears, the same mischievous twinkle in his eye… it’s as if Bruce has been cloned.

Doreen, of course, is doing all the heavy lifting now, as mums do. She’s busy showing off Little Bruce to anyone who’ll stop long enough to admire him. Meanwhile, I reckon Bruce is hoping for a bit of peace and quiet before being dragged back into the fray.

So there you have it—Bruce the kangaroo, local lothario, is now a proud, albeit exhausted, father. And as for Little Bruce, well, he’s already following in his dad’s very large, very tired, paw prints.

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