Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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Bruce is back.

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Bruce the kangaroo has made a grand return to the grounds of the nursing home, and I must say, he’s looking quite the picture of health. After what I can only assume was a well-deserved bit of R & R in the bush, Bruce has come back all rested up, with a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye, ready to take on the world again.

It’s good to see him back, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Doreen, his better half, is absolutely chuffed. She’s been holding down the fort with their new little one—who I’ve taken to calling “Little Bruce” for now, though truth be told, I haven’t quite figured out whether we’re dealing with a lad or a lass. Either way, Doreen’s been doing a stellar job, but it’s clear she’s relieved to have Bruce back to share the load.

Bruce, for his part, seems eager to dive right back into the thick of things. He’s already been hopping around the grounds, checking in on his old haunts, making sure everything’s just as he left it. There’s a sense of pride in the way he carries himself, as if he knows his place in our little community and is happy to reclaim it.

Doreen, of course, wasted no time in reuniting the family. She’s been nudging Bruce towards their offspring, probably hoping he’ll lend a hand—or rather, a paw. Little Bruce, who’s a spitting image of his dad, seems equally excited, bouncing around with all the energy of a young joey. Watching them together, you can’t help but smile. It’s a bit of a heartwarming sight, really—Bruce, the local hero, back where he belongs, with his little family in tow.

So, Bruce is back, and life on the nursing home grounds feels complete again. I’ll have to figure out a proper name for Little Bruce soon enough, but for now, we’re just glad to have the old man back in action.Bruce the Kangaroo: Back in Action at the Nursing Home

Bruce the kangaroo has made a grand return to the grounds of the nursing home, and I must say, he’s looking quite the picture of health. After what I can only assume was a well-deserved bit of R & R in the bush, Bruce has come back all rested up, with a spring in his step and a twinkle in his eye, ready to take on the world again.

It’s good to see him back, and I’m not the only one who thinks so. Doreen, his better half, is absolutely chuffed. She’s been holding down the fort with their new little one—who I’ve taken to calling “Little Bruce” for now, though truth be told, I haven’t quite figured out whether we’re dealing with a lad or a lass. Either way, Doreen’s been doing a stellar job, but it’s clear she’s relieved to have Bruce back to share the load.

Bruce, for his part, seems eager to dive right back into the thick of things. He’s already been hopping around the grounds, checking in on his old haunts, making sure everything’s just as he left it. There’s a sense of pride in the way he carries himself, as if he knows his place in our little community and is happy to reclaim it.

Doreen, of course, wasted no time in reuniting the family. She’s been nudging Bruce towards their offspring, probably hoping he’ll lend a hand—or rather, a paw. Little Bruce, who’s a spitting image of his dad, seems equally excited, bouncing around with all the energy of a young joey. Watching them together, you can’t help but smile. It’s a bit of a heartwarming sight, really—Bruce, the local hero, back where he belongs, with his little family in tow.

So, Bruce is back, and life on the nursing home grounds feels complete again. I’ll have to figure out a proper name for Little Bruce soon enough, but for now, we’re just glad to have the old man back in action.

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