Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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George, the Soggy Roo

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This afternoon, I made a new mate—George, an Eastern Grey kangaroo. Not your usual kind of neighbour, mind you. I was just going about my day when I glanced out the window of my room in the nursing home, and there he was, casually hanging out in the garden, like he’d been invited. We locked eyes, and I swear, he had that “G’day” look about him.

George is a young male, and I reckon he’s Bruce’s lad. Bruce is the local kangaroo heartthrob, known for his strong jawline and rugged charm. George has clearly inherited those good looks, although today he wasn’t looking his best—completely soaked through from the rain that’s been pelting down all day. Yet, funnily enough, the rain didn’t seem to faze him. In fact, he was just standing there, soggy but serene, with his little red tongue poking out—a charming habit kangaroos have. It made him look like he was either deep in thought or trying to catch raindrops.

I thought I’d test my luck and slowly slid open the window. I expected him to hop off at the slightest movement, but no—George barely blinked. He gave me a sideways glance, tongue still sticking out, as if to say, “Go on, I’m not going anywhere.”

Honestly, I might’ve offered him a towel if I thought he’d accept, but he seemed perfectly content in his soggy state. There’s something delightfully unbothered about a kangaroo in the rain. Here’s hoping George swings by again soon, preferably when it’s dry. And with that cheeky tongue of his, of course!

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