Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

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Kangaroo Tales

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Life here at the nursing home in Bundanoon is never dull, especially with our lively visitors from the local wildlife. The stars of the show are Bruce, the senior male kangaroo, and his family of 32. Bruce is a magnificent old fellow, with his broad chest and knowing eyes that seem to have seen it all. His wife, Doreen, is always by his side, keeping a watchful eye on their newborn joey, whom we’ve affectionately dubbed “Little Bruce” for now. He’s still nestled in Doreen’s pouch, just starting to peek out at the world. But things aren’t all peaceful in kangaroo land! Lately, we’ve noticed Rocky, a younger, more muscular male, strutting about and challenging Bruce’s dominance. It’s quite the spectacle watching them size each other up on the lawn, tails planted firmly on the ground as they engage in their kangaroo sparring matches. Bruce may be older, but he’s not ready to hand over the reins just yet. And then there’s the cockatoo couple, Fred and Kamala, who always seem to turn up when the kangaroos are around, adding to the lively atmosphere. Fred, with his striking white feathers and yellow crest, is the self-appointed leader of the cockatoos. He perches on the bench seat and surveys everything with a calm air of authority. His wife, Kamala, however, is quite the opposite, cackling away, trying to mimic the others, as if she’s constantly gossiping about the goings-on with the kangaroos. Their antics bring such joy to us all, whether it’s Fred and Kamala’s constant banter or the daily drama of Bruce trying to keep Rocky in check. Life here in Bundanoon might be quiet, but with our furry and feathered friends, it’s never boring!
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