Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

Buy me a coffee?

Passing the Time

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Life in the nursing home has settled into a rather predictable routine. Each day is much like the last, with little to distinguish one from the other. The recent Covid-19 outbreak among the residents has disrupted things somewhat, though it has not affected me directly, as I have tested negative. Provided I wear a mask, I’m allowed outside, but it’s hardly made much of a difference.

I had been looking forward to a visit to the coffee shop, something a bit different to break up the monotony, but it turned out to be closed today. It’s disappointing, but not surprising, given the current situation. All the other activities have been cancelled as well, so there’s not much to do.

With nothing else to occupy my time, I’ve taken to walking around the gardens and grounds. The paths are familiar to me, as I’ve walked them many times before. The gardens are well-kept, though there’s nothing particularly striking about them. I pass the same trees and shrubs, noting the occasional bird flitting about or the distant rustle of leaves.

There are kangaroos in the grounds, and I’ve spent some time watching them as they go about their business. They don’t seem to notice me much, and I can’t say I blame them. It’s quiet out there, with just the sound of the wind and the occasional birdcall to break the silence.

After a while, I return to my room. There’s not much else to do but wait for the next meal or the next check-in from the staff, so I’m sitting here reading the Facebook comments. The days blur together, each one much like the last. It’s not unpleasant, just dull and uneventful, with little to look forward to but more of the same.

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