Short stories by Andrew McKean.

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Rocky: The Eye of the Kangaroo

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Lately, things have taken a bit of a dramatic turn around here, all thanks to a new arrival from the depths of the forest—a kangaroo who goes by the name of Rocky. Now, Rocky isn’t just any old kangaroo; he’s a proper bruiser, and from the moment he showed up, it was clear he had one thing on his mind: challenging Bruce for dominance of the group.

Rocky’s no shrinking violet, that’s for sure. He’s built like a tank, all muscle and attitude, and he’s made it clear that he’s not here to make friends. The moment he set foot on the nursing home grounds, you could feel the tension in the air. Bruce, who’s always been the undisputed leader around these parts, wasn’t about to take this lying down.

What followed has been a series of sparring matches between the two, and let me tell you, it’s been quite a spectacle. These aren’t your friendly little tussles—no, this is serious business. Fists flying, powerful kicks, the lot. At times, it’s almost like watching a boxing match, only with more fur and a lot more hopping about. The intensity is something to behold, and you can see the raw power in both of them as they go at it.

Bruce, of course, isn’t one to back down easily. He’s got experience on his side, and he knows these grounds like the back of his paw. But Rocky’s got youth and sheer brute force working in his favour. The two have been evenly matched so far, with neither one quite able to claim victory over the other. It’s a battle of wills, as much as anything, and the rest of the kangaroos are watching closely, trying to figure out who will come out on top.

There’s an air of uncertainty now, with everyone wondering if Bruce can hold his ground or if Rocky will take over. Either way, it’s clear that things are changing around here. And while I’m rooting for Bruce, I have to admit—Rocky’s certainly shaken things up.

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