Short stories by Andrew McKean.

Andrew's Stories

Buy me a coffee?

Tea, Tunes, and Tales

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In the picturesque town of Bundanoon, the nursing home’s café is the epicentre of merriment, thanks to the delightful volunteer ladies who run the show. These women, with aprons tied and spirits high, transform an ordinary coffee break into a full-fledged event worthy of a sitcom episode.

The café, affectionately dubbed “The Gossip Hub” by residents, is managed by various indomitable ladies. Lady number one is a whirlwind of energy, capable of brewing a perfect cup of tea while recounting her latest escapade with the local wildlife. Just last week, she had everyone in stitches with her tale of the cheeky kookaburra that made off with her favourite tea cosy. Her signature wink and infectious laugh make every visit a delight. Then there’s lady number two, the undisputed queen of the scone. She insists her secret ingredient is “a sprinkle of love,” but the residents suspect it’s more likely an extra dollop of butter. Her scones are legendary, drawing in even the most sceptical of eaters. The debate over whether cream or jam goes first has reached epic proportions, with her feet firmly in the “jam first” camp, much to the chagrin of her “cream first” rival, Mr. Elder Statesman.

In addition to running the café, these volunteers are the masterminds behind the nursing home’s activities. Lady number three, with her flair for the dramatic, organises everything from bingo mornings to impromptu sing-alongs. Her rendition of “I Will Survive” at last month’s karaoke event is still the talk of the town. She has a knack for coaxing even the shyest resident into the limelight, ensuring everyone has their moment to shine. But it’s not all about tea and tunes. These ladies are the heart and soul of the nursing home, always ready with a kind word or a shoulder to lean on. Lady number four, known for her encyclopaedic knowledge of local history, is often found in deep conversation with residents, sharing stories that span decades and occasionally throwing in a juicy bit of local gossip for good measure.

In Bundanoon, the volunteer ladies of the nursing home are the unsung heroines, infusing every day with laughter, kindness, and just the right amount of mischief. Their efforts ensure that the nursing home isn’t just a place to live, but a place to love life.

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